Thought of the day

For You know my inmost being. You kit me together in my mother's womb. Your works are wonderful; I know that full well.

Friday, December 14, 2007

The semester from Heck is finally OVER!!!!

Yipee!!! I finally finished. I turned in my last paper yesterday, 11 pages on the evolution of Icelandic Christian skaldic poetry between 1000 and 1300 AD. is as interesting as it sounds.

Now I get three wonderful weeks off before I have to start again. I will be spending it relaxing, working, and Jess and I are going to be making gifts for Christmas.

We have a list of different things we are going to be making, from crafts to goodies. I will try to post pictures of our finished master pieces.

In the mean time I wanted to show you some pictures my mom took of Jess on her telephone. The clarity and coloring is pretty off, but they are still cool.


Deanna said...

Yay! One more down, right?

Those are nice pics of Jessie. She is so beautful.

I love the blog makeover, too!

April said...

Congrats on finishing the semester! Hope you did well!