Thought of the day

For You know my inmost being. You kit me together in my mother's womb. Your works are wonderful; I know that full well.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Look at the beautiful sunsets and sunrises and see the majesty of God!!!

Hey all. I realize it has been 21 days since I have even looked at this blog let alone thought about posting something. I have been extremely busy with school and everything else, though I realize that is not that great of an excuse.

Guess what, 26 days till Christmas!!!! I absolutely love this time of the year. I have never been allowed to put up decorations before the day after Thanksgiving....before this year. My mom delivered the wonderful news that I could put them up early at a time when I was so busy with everything. Well, Thanksgiving morning, I decided that I wasn't going to let this opportunity go to wast. So I got up before 7am and waited for it to get light enough for me to see to put them up, and then I spent the next three hours getting everything up. If I do say so myself, and I do, my house looks especially cheerful.

I found an article just a few minutes ago that made me think. And I want to know what all my readers out there in blogging land think about it too. The article posed the question of "is the cross crucial in worship?" The question deals more with the message of the cross being presented in the worship music during Church. But I was thinking about its importance both literally and metaphorically. In other words, how important is it to have physical representations of the cross in Church? And is it just as important, or more or less, to have the message of the cross presented not only in the message, but also in the songs sung in praise of God? I haven't read the article yet, but will this evening. I do look forward to hearing your opinions on this topic, as well.

Now, I have to go to class. I only have a little over a week before finals, so I am not guaranteeing that I will be able to post anytime before that, but I will try. I will get back to you before Christmas though, because I have a couple of ideas for logs before then. Till then, chow!!!

1 comment:

Deanna said...

No, I do not think a cross (or any other physical representation) is necessary in worship. As a matter of fact, I believe that this is one of those things we sometimes let get in the way... Too often we start paying attention to the traditions in worship and they become more important than the actual worship. I am referring things like dress in worship, food or drinks in the sanctuary, old hymns versus praise music. Sometimes these things become so important to us that we forget it is just a preference of style and not a salvation issue. And I am absolutely positive that God does not care if I wear blue jeans or drink coffee in the sanctuary. What do you think?